One Company_One Name_One Source_One World

05 Dec,2015 UTC+8 Views:

To strengthen the great wall Group’s international appearance a global branding strategy has been adopted: “One Company - One Name”. The aim is to streamline all external communication and marketing at a global level and to support great wall corporation strategic position as a supplier of the whole value chain to the cement and minerals processing industries.

As a consequence of this strategy and in order to offer our customers an easier global overview of the great wall offices and a more transparent Group structure, thereby offering customers one entry point to the entire great wall Group – "One Name" – all subsidiaries and product companies will change their names to great wall.

All historical brands and product names will, however, be maintained, as they represent a large asset and are a significant reason why great wall corporation today is a leading supplier to the cement and minerals industries.

The visual branding will in future be supported by a common web platform and the “One Source” slogan, which will convey great wall unique opportunity, both locally and globally, to offer the customers complete solutions that are tailored to their needs.